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For guests

"ANIMUR" invites you on an exciting journey to the city of contrasts – Khabarovsk!
What is "ANIMUR"?
Who are they — the guests of the festival "ANIMUR"?
Animation festival is it for children?

Not at all necessary!
With the help of animation, the authors tell not only funny and entertaining stories, but also reveal deep philosophical and social ideas that sometimes only adults can understand. In 2022  the festival “ANIMUR” was visited by 7 000 spectators.
Russia, Khabarovsk
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En Ru
KKOO "Development of Animation Art in  Khabarovsk Territory"

Legal address:
680054, Khabarovsk region, Khabarovsk city, Uborevicha street, no. 60 a, apt. 1
INN 2722135586
OGRN 1212700010456
KPP 272201001
Account 407 703 810 870 000 001 832
PJSC Sberbank
BIC 40813608