Director's biography: Worya Nickmanesh, born on January 1, 1980 in Sanandaj, Iran, graduated with a bachelor's degree in graphics and a master's degree in animation directing from Tehran University of Arts.
Maryam Hashemnejad Born in 1981, Iran, Zanjan, graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran.
The first place for the best director of a religious film for short animation will be screened at the 11th Tehran International Animation Festival in March 2017
The first place for the best animation director in the national cinema section of the 12th International Film Festival 100 for the short animation was not my dream ... March 2017
Категория/Category: Внеконкурсная программа/Out-of-competition
Страна/Country: Иран/Iran
Возраст/Age: 0+
Сеанс/Session: 30.09.2022 10-30 «Совкино», зал Молодежный
Сеанс/Session: 1.10.2022 18:00 «Совкино», зал Молодежный