Director's biography: We are students from Taipei National University of the Arts , and we co-created the animation short film "get off work" during our sophomore year.
Hu, Chen-Yun, the director, Storyboard artist and animator of the animation.
Hsin-Yi Chiang, the director, animator and character designer of the animation.
Lee Nga Sze, the director and background artist of the animation.
Категория/Category: Короткометражный мультфильм (конкурсная программа)/Animation short film (competition program)
Страна/Country: Тайвань/Taiwan
Возраст/Age: 18+
Сеанс/Session: 1.10.2022 17:00 «Гигант», большой зал
Сеанс/Session: 2.10.2022 13:00 «Гигант», новый зал