Director's biography: Born in 1993/2/27 in Hamedan.
Graduated with a master's degree in architecture in 2018. Freelance animation maker.
Some of the most important work experiences:
*Supervisor at "Yas Animation Studio" in the years 2004 to 2008.
*Worked in the animation department of Hamadan Television Organization in the years 2008 to 2012.
*Director of the animation part of "Seram Advertising Studio" in the years 2012 to 2014.
*Director and producer of more than 20 short animations.
*Founder and CEO of "Photon Animation home studio" in 2018.
*Director and producer of "Tongeleh" animation series for TV.
Категория/Category: Короткометражный мультфильм (конкурсная программа)/Animation short film (competition program)
Страна/Country: Иран/Iran
Возраст/Age: 0+
Сеанс/Session: 1.10.2022 11:00 «Гигант», большой зал
Сеанс/Session: 2.10.2022 10:00 «Совкино», зал Мираж