Director's biography: Ayie Ibrahim is currently holding a number of positions including as Producer, Animation Director and animator at his own Creatvtoon Studio and as a senior lecturer for drawing & animation at University Technology Mara, Malaysia since 2009. He also work as Toon Boom instructor & Online Trainer under Toon Boom Inc. Canada.
His love for the art and long experience in the field of animation led him to build up his own studio since 2010 with the purpose of expanding the local industry and putting Malaysia on the world map as a source of content creation and development.
Категория/Category: Внеконкурсная программа/Out-of-competition
Страна/Country: Малайзия/Malaysia
Возраст/Age: 6+
Сеанс/Session: 30.09.2022 12:00 «Совкино», зал Молодежный
Сеанс/Session: 1.10.2022 14:30 «Совкино», зал Молодежный