Год производства/Year of production: 2023
Продолжительность/Duration: 0:06:00

Синопсис фильма:

Режиссер: Александр Малгин

Биография режиссера:

Film Synopsis: Pushkin was exiled to Mikhailovskoye. In this place, the poet was once enchanted by the "country life, Russian bath houses, strawberries, and the like," as he will write in one of his autobiographies. But now, nothing pleases him. The world's colors have dimmed, and the pen and paper are abandoned on the table. What will bring the poet back to life and creativity? The beauty of rural seclusion, nanny’s care, the miraculous power of the Russian bath house? Or perhaps, a meeting with a mystica mermaid.

Director: Alexander Malgin

Director’s biography:

Категория/Category: Внеконкурсная программа/Out-of-competition

Страна/Country: Россия/Russian Federation

Возраст/Age: 6+

Программа/Program: Красота и мудрость веков

Сеанс/Session: 1 ноября, 16:30, Гигант, зал Хроники

Сеанс/Session: 2 ноября, 15:30, Гигант, Малый зал

Сеанс/Session: 3 ноября, 16:50, Гигант, Малый зал