Director’s biography: Petya Sargsyan has been working in animation sphere since 2005. From 2007 up to now with the cooperation of TouchFX animation studio he worked on five full feature animated films as project manager and composer. Since 2011 he has been delivering lectures on Animation Film Creating at National Polytechnic University of Armenia.
“Mushurba” is the first 3D short animation film directed and produced by him.
Категория/Category: Внеконкурсная программа/Out-of-competition
Страна/Country: Армения/Armenia
Возраст/Age: 12+
Сеанс/Session: 30.09.2022 16:30 «Гигант, Новый зал
Сеанс/Session: 1.10.2022 14:30 «Гигант, Новый зал