Director’s biography: Caio Megre is a Brazilian animator, screenwriter, director and voice actor. Graduated in 2D Animation, Illustration and Toon Boom by Escola Meliès, he got the opportunity to study in the course of Advanced Animation from Exceptional Minds in Los Angeles in 2017. Having great influences in animations by Cartoon Network such as Dexter’s Laboratory, ChalkZone and The Powerpuff Girls, he created the characters Wabbo, Bubble and Doby, the main characters of his animations in funny adventures.
Категория/Category: Короткометражный мультфильм (конкурсная программа)/Animation short film (competition program)
Страна/Country: Бразилия/Brazil
Возраст/Age: 6+
Сеанс/Session: 1.10.2022 12:30 «Гигант», большой зал
Сеанс/Session: 2.10.2022 17:00 «Совкино», зал Мираж