Director's biography: Tine Kluth Biography I grew up in a theatre where I got my dance education and worked as a dance teacher as well as stage designer and illustrator. This was my pat to animation because, I think, the best way to combine performing, storytelling and creating worlds and characters is stop motion animation which I studied at the Filmakademie Ludwigsburg, Germany. After graduating with my film “Das Schloss (the castle)” I directed my debut film “KATER” and later moved to London. Since then I’ve been working on series, short films, commercials and music videos mostly in Germany and England, amongst them “Shaun the sheep”, “The Clangers”, “Timmytime”, “Scream Street”, “Wish and Mop (Dada!)” or the bands “Seeed” and “die Ärzte”. In our fantastic and playful house in London I have a little home studio, in which I create music videos, commercials and short films, when I’m not working in other studios or travel the world giving workshops.
Категория/Category: Внеконкурсная программа/Out-of-competition
Страна/Country: Великобритания/Great Britain
Возраст/Age: 6+
Сеанс/Session: 30.09.2022 15:00 «Гигант», Новый зал
Сеанс/Session: 2.10.2022 10:00 «Гигант», Новый зал