Director’s biography: Luiza Pugliesi Villaça was born in Franca, São Paulo (Brazil), and has had contact with the artistic universe since she was a child through drawing and dance classes. She joined college Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) at the age of 17 in the Film & Animation course at the Faculdade de Comunicação e Marketing (FACOM). During the college course, she was part of the LABJOR center of journalism, and acted as a supervisor in the animation’s laboratories in 2020. She worked as a 2D animation assistant on the university shorts “Pinguinho” (directed by Sâmya Gheneim Marin, FAAP, 2020), “Além das Máscaras” (directed by Leticia Lopez, FAAP, 2022), and was director, screenwriter, conceptual artist, and animator in the short “Cadim” (FAAP, 2022).
Категория/Category: Внеконкурсная программа/Out-of-competition
Страна/Country: Бразилия/Brazil
Возраст/Age: 6+
Сеанс/Session: 30.09.2022 12:00 «Совкино», зал Молодежный
Сеанс/Session: 1.10.2022 14:30 «Совкино», зал Молодежный